
Angela Ebeling

Angela Ebeling Angela Ebeling Biology Professor Email: Phone: 414.443.8644

Angela Ebeling


  • B.S.,化学,信誉最好的网投平台排名,1999年
  • M.S.,土壤科学,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,2001
  • Ph.D.,土壤科学,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,2007年
  • Post-doctoral Researcher, Ecosystem Sciences, University of California-Berkeley, 2008
  • Second undergraduate major, China Studies, 威斯康辛州路德 College, 2017


在俄亥俄州的一个小奶牛场长大对我影响很大. My interest in agriculture and the environment has certainly stemmed from that experience.  我有机会上了一所路德教的小学, 一所小型的公立高中, 然后去了密尔沃基上大学. After graduating college with a degree in chemistry and a minor in biology, 我继续学习土壤科学. 而我内心深处永远是一个农场女孩, 我已经学会了喜欢在许多不同的地方生活和旅行, including the San Francisco Bay Area of California and Jiangxi Province in China. Having the opportunity to study Mandarin has impacted my academic and personal life in ways that I pray God will use to the glory of his kingdom. 我和丈夫有四个孩子,住在沃瓦托萨, where everything we do is about a mile away so we can use bicycles as our main mode of transportation.


  • ESS 182 -环境科学
  • ESS 498 -独立研究
  • 生物统计学
  • BIO 401/402 -研究策略
  • LAS 101 -文科研讨会
  • MAT 117 -统计学


My primary research interests include soil fertility and water quality as related to phosphorus. 农民需要提供足够的营养来种植庄稼, but there is a fine balance between supplying enough nutrients and providing excess which then leads to environmental degradation. 我的研究旨在提供当前的, quantitative data to help farmers and governmental agencies make wise decisions about how to manage their resources.

  • 了解环境中的营养物磷
  • 管理有机(可生物降解)废物,如生物固体和粪便
  • Reusing materials such as water treatment residuals to reduce pollution in runoff
  • Quantifying ecosystem services from turf, row crops, butterfly gardens, and switchgrass




Miao, Q., D. Bronner, M. Guedel, A. 选D. Ebeling. 2021. Fourier-transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy Analysis of Seven Wisconsin Biosolids. 新兴研究者杂志. 4: 1-6. 

Ebeling, A., K. Meyer, R. J. Parker-Fedewa. 2017. 我为什么是路德教徒:三位大学教授的观点. Logia. 26 (4): 19-24.  

Ebeling, A., E. Oerter, J. Valley, and R. Amundson. 2016. Relict soil evidence for profound Quaternary aridification of the Atacama Desert, Chile. Geoderma. 267:196-206. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.12.010.

Oerter, E.J., W.D. Sharp, J. Oster, A.M. Ebeling, J.W. Valley, R. Kozdon, I. Orland, J.C. Hellstrom, J. Woodhead, J.M. Hergt, O.A. Chadwich和R. Amundson. 2016. Pedothem carbonates reveal anomalous North American atmospheric circulation 70,000 to 50,000 years ago.  Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, January 11, 2016, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1515478113

Rockman, A., A. Armstrong, V. Hartmann, R. Balza, J. Erbe, D. Ebeling, and A. Ebeling. 2013. Using soil and water treatment residuals in a lab-scale constructed wetland to remediate silver nanoparticles. 计算水,能源和环境工程. 2:16-25.

Ebeling, A.M., L.G. Bundy, A.W. Kittell, D.D. Ebeling. 2008. 高pH、钙质土壤Bray P1试验的评价. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72:985-991.

Ebeling, A.M., L.R. 库伯班和L.G. Bundy. 2003. Phosphorus availability to wheat from manures, biosolids, and an inorganic fertilizer. Comm. Soil Sci. 植物肛门. 34:1347-1365.

Ebeling, A.M., L.R. 库伯班和L.G. Bundy. 2003. Phosphorus source effects on soil test phosphorus and forms of phosphorus in soil. Comm. Soil Sci. 植物肛门. 34:1897-1917.

Ebeling, A.M., L.G. Bundy, T.W. Andraski和J.M. Powell. 2002. Dairy diet phosphorus effects on phosphorus losses in runoff from land-applied manure. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:284-291.


Ebeling, A.M., L.G. Bundy, S.J. Sturgul. 2004. 磷从陆地到水中的运动. 营养和有害生物管理计划. Univ. 威斯康辛麦迪逊扩建.

Kelling, K.A., L.G. Bundy, and A.M. Ebeling. 2003. 何时何地施用肥料. 营养和有害生物管理计划. Univ. 威斯康辛麦迪逊扩建.

Kelling, K.A., L.G. Bundy, and A.M. Ebeling. 2003. 高土壤磷含量农场的管理方案. 营养和有害生物管理计划. Univ. 威斯康辛麦迪逊扩建.

Ebeling, A.M., L.G. Bundy, J.M. Powell, and L.D. Satter. 2002. 乳品管理中对饲粮磷的考虑. 营养和有害生物管理计划. Univ. 威斯康辛麦迪逊扩建.


“Carbon Measurements Unaffected By Single Applications of Biosolids; Teaching Simple Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis.” D. Ebeling, A. Shipley, Q. Miao, A. Ebeling, S. Ebeling, and A. Ebeling. ASA-CSSA-SSSA国际会议,虚拟,2020年11月.

“Phosphorus and Carbon Measurements on Soil Incubated with Wisconsin Biosolids.” A. Ebeling and A. Crouse. ASA-CSSA-SSSA国际会议,虚拟,2020年11月.

威斯康星生物固体31P溶液核磁共振.”  A. Ebeling, B. Schoen, M. Kuzniar, A. Lauth, K. Tramburg. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Tampa, FL; October 23, 2017. (快速5分钟)

“不同的生物固体,不同的磷可利用性.”  A. Ebeling, A. Klug, H. 麦克莱恩,谢尔比(沙尔)猎犬,C. Sheahan. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Phoenix, AZ; November 9, 2016. 

基督教与科学:上帝的荣耀在自然中显现.“丹和安吉拉·埃贝林. 北京福音路德教会,北京,中国. June 3, 2015.

“土壤中的磷:最大限度地提高作物产量,保护水质.中国环境科学研究院,北京. June 1, 2015. 

"Relict Soil Evidence for Profound Quaternary Aridification of the Atacama Desert, Chile." R. 阿蒙森和A. Ebeling. ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA International Meeting, Long Beach, CA; November 5, 2014.

和你的孩子谈论创世纪和科学." D. and A. Ebeling. 基督教福音路德教会,皮沃基,威斯康辛州. 2014年10月19日.

"Lutheran Concept of Faith and Reason with Applications to Age of the Earth." D. and A. Ebeling. 路德学院会议. 信誉最好的网投平台排名,密尔沃基,威斯康星. 2014年8月11日.

“学生在科学研究的前沿荣耀上帝。." D. and A. Ebeling. 公仆领袖协会. 信誉最好的网投平台排名,密尔沃基,威斯康星. April 11, 2014.

"Biochar Ability to Provide and Retain Nutrients in a Kentucky Blue Grass System." A. Ebeling, A. Rockman, A. Armstrong, D. Carey, D. Zitomer. 美国社会福利协会-社会福利协会-社会福利协会国际会议,辛辛那提,俄亥俄州. 2013年11月6日.

"Silver Nanoparticle Sorption and Desorption to Soil and Water Treatment Residuals." D. Ebeling, A. Ebeling, A. Rockman, A. Armstrong. 美国社会福利协会-社会福利协会-社会福利协会国际会议,辛辛那提,俄亥俄州. 2013年11月5日.

"Silver Nanoparticle Adsorption to Soil and Water Treatment Residuals and Impact on Zebrafish in a Lab-scale Constructed Wetland." 2nd International Conference on Pollution and Treatment Technology (PTT 2013), Beijing, China. July 15, 2013.

基督教与科学:上帝的荣耀在自然中显现, 他对我们的计划在圣经中有解释." D. and A. Ebeling. 香港亚洲路德神学院. 2013年2月5日. 

“学习科学是为了荣耀上帝. 为什么基督徒被激励成为优秀的科学家." D. and A. Ebeling. 香港塞勒姆路德教会. 2013年2月3日.

“用信心的眼睛看上帝在自然界的设计. How students can be a part of scientific discovery and caring for Creation." D. and A. Ebeling. 香港以马内利路德书院. 2013年2月1日. 

"Phosphorus Availability from Biosolids: Recycling municipal waste by land application,马奎特大学环境工程系列研讨会, 马凯特大学, Milwaukee, WI. 2012年9月25日.

“你应该担心磷吗? & 研究最终报告.wwra /WLWCA冬季大会,史蒂文角,威斯康星州. 2012年1月28日.

《圣经与理性:深度时间、进化与创造.(2部分系列,联合呈现. 卢卡斯路德教会,密尔沃基,威斯康星州. 2011年9月26日和10月3日.

“污水中的磷:最新研究”(小组讨论的一部分). wwra /WLWCA冬季大会,史蒂文角,威斯康星州. 2011年1月28日.

“各种生物固体对小麦的磷有效性.ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA国际会议,长滩,加州. 2010年11月1日.

“食物、土壤和水质...有机食品有影响吗?基督路德教会,皮沃基,威斯康辛州. May 8, 2010.

"Available Phosphorus and Total Phosphorus: Implications for Septage Land Application.wwra /WLWCA冬季大会,史蒂文角,威斯康星州. 2010年1月30日.

土壤和磷源对磷缓冲能力的影响.ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA国际会议,休斯顿,德克萨斯州. 2008年10月6日.

生物固体处理对磷有效性的影响.春季生物固体研讨会,史蒂文斯点,WI. 二零零七年三月二十一日.

生物固体处理对磷有效性的影响.ASA-CSSA-SSSA国际会议,印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯. 二六年十一月十五日.

“从生物固体中获取磷.农学/土壤田间日,阿灵顿农业研究站,威斯康星州. 二六年八月三十日.

评价Bray P1在高pH,钙质土壤上的作用.土壤测试实验室会议,西麦迪逊,威斯康星州. 二六年三月十六日.

评价Bray P1在高pH,钙质土壤上的作用." Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference, Madison, WI. 二六年一月十九日.

评价Bray P1在高pH,钙质土壤上的作用.ASA-CSSA-SSSA国际会议,盐湖城,UT. 二五年十一月九日.

“磷和磷管理.威斯康星土壤养分管理研讨会麦迪逊,威斯康星. March 22, 2005.

"Dietary P Effects on Manure and Runoff:" Training for Nutrient Management Planners Workshop Madison, WI. 2005年8月24日和9月8日.

奶牛日粮对粪便和径流中磷的影响.农学/土壤田间日,农业研究站,威斯康星州. 二零零零年九月十四日.


威斯康星生物固体中31P核磁共振峰的量化.” A. Pimentel, A. Lauth, K. Tramburg, and A. Ebeling. ASA-CSSA-SSSA国际会议,虚拟,2020年11月.

“Biosolid Treatment Effects on P Availability in Soil from Wisconsin Biosolids As Measured By Chemical Extractions and 31P Solution NMR.” A. Ebeling, A. Lauth, W. Filla, S. Whitson, C. Sheahan, H. McLain, A. Klug, and S. Spaciel.  ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, San Antonio, TX; November, 2019  

“FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy) Analysis of Seven Wisconsin Biosolids.”  D. Ebeling, D. Bronner, and A. Ebeling.  ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, San Antonio, TX; November, 2019

适当区分土壤中磷的有效性, cake, 以及堆肥生物固体.” W. Filla, S. Whitson, and A. Ebeling.  SSSA International Meeting, San Diego, CA; January, 2019.  

“Phosphorus Availability in Sand and Silt Loam Soils from Six Wisconsin Biosolids.”  A. Klug, H. McLain, and A. Ebeling. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Minneapolis, MN; November, 2015. 

"Differences in Phosphorus Availability Among Six Southeast Wisconsin Biosolids." H. McLain, S. Schaal, and A. Ebeling. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Long Beach, CA; November, 2014.

"Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Zebrafish and Bacteria in a Lab-Scale Constructed Wetland with Potential Remediation by Soil and Water Treatment Residuals." V. Hartmann, A. Rockmann, A. Armstrong, M.Wagner, B. Tellier, J. Erbe, R. Balza, D. Ebeling, and A. Ebeling. Wisconsin Wetlands Association's 18th Annual Conference – Great Wetlands, Healthy Watersheds. Sheboygan, WI; February 13, 2013.

"Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Zebrafish and Bacteria in a Lab-Scale Constructed Wetland with Potential Remediation by Soil and Water Treatment Residuals." V. Hartmann, A. Rockman, A. Armstrong, M. Wagner, B. Tellier, J. Erbe, R. Balza, D. Ebeling, and A. Ebeling.  美国社会福利协会-社会福利协会-社会福利协会国际会议,辛辛那提,俄亥俄州; October, 2012.

"Phosphorus Concentration and Availability in Septage Samples in Wisconsin."  A.M. Ebeling and F.A. Rwatambuga. ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA International Meeting, San Antonio, TX; October 2011.

“实验室规模的人工湿地."  V. Hartmann, M. Reep, N. Kersten, J. Erbe, A. 选D. Ebeling.ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA International Meeting, San Antonio, TX; October 2011.

“在威斯康星州建立一个钙质土壤数据库." A.M. Ebeling, F.A. Rwatambuga, and M. Flister. ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA International Meeting, Pittsburg, PA; November 2009.

"Paleoclimate reconstructions from a Miocene-aged soil in the Atacama Desert." A.M. Ebeling, R. 阿蒙森和W. Sharp. ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA International Meeting, Houston, TX; November 2008.

“在碱性、钙质土壤上评估Bray P1试验." D.D. Ebeling, A.M. Ebeling, A. Kittell, L.G. Bundy, and F. Blum. 海报展示. American Society of Agronomy-Crop Science Society of America-美国土壤科学学会-Geological Society of America (ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA) International Meeting Houston,TX; November 2008.

磷源对土壤磷缓冲能力的影响." A.M. Ebeling and L.G. Bundy. ASA-SSA-SSSA International Meeting, Seattle, WA; October 2004.

"Phosphorus forms and plant availability in soils amended with organic phosphorus sources." A.M. Ebeling, L.G. Bundy, and J.M. Powell. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Charlotte, NC; October 2001.

"Dairy diet phosphorus effects on phosphorus losses in runoff from land-applied manure." A.M. Ebeling, L.G. Bundy, T.W. Andraski和J.M. Powell. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Minneapolis, MN; October, 2000.


Ebeling, A.M., L.G. Bundy, A.W. Kittell, and D.D. Ebeling. 2006. 威斯康辛州东部红壤Bray P1土壤试验评价. Proc. Wis. Fert. 农业与害虫管理. Conf. 45:296-302.

Ebeling, A.M., K.A. Kelling, and L.G. Bundy. 2002. 高磷土壤的磷管理. 土壤科学的新视野:土壤和水管理会议. Issue #12.

Ebeling, A.M., L.G. Bundy, T.W. Andraski和J.M. Powell. 2001. Dairy diet phosphorus effects on phosphorus losses in runoff from land-applied manure. Proc. Wis. Fert. 农业与害虫管理. Conf. 40:58-69.

Bundy, L.G., T.W. Andraski, J.M. Powell, J.S. 斯图尼克和A.M. Ebeling. 2000. 管理实践对径流中磷损失的影响. Proc. Wis. Fert. 农业与害虫管理. Conf. 39:23-34.


Ebeling, A.M., D. D. Ebeling, and F.A. Rwatambuga. 2011. Analysis of Total Phosphorus in Harvested Aquatic Plants from Pewaukee Lake, WI. 信誉最好的网投平台排名生物系. 技术公报014. 为皮瓦基湖卫生区准备的. May.

Ebeling, A.M. and F.A. Rwatambuga. 2011. P来自威斯康辛州的可用性. 信誉最好的网投平台排名生物系. 技术公报015. 为威斯康辛州液体废物运输协会准备. June.


Ebeling, A.M. 2001. Phosphorus source effects on phosphorus losses in runoff, plant availability, and soil phosphorus. M.S. Thesis. Univ. 威斯康辛州麦迪逊.

Ebeling, A.M. 2007. Assessing available phosphorus in Wisconsin soils from additions of phosphorus fertilizer, manure, and biosolids. Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. 威斯康辛州麦迪逊.



  • 副专业土壤学家
  • 女性土壤科学家协会
  • 美国土壤科学学会


  • 教务委员会委员(2020-至今)
  • 课程委员会委员(2008-2016)
  • 环境俱乐部顾问(2009-2016)
  • 基督教妇女领导圈董事会成员(2015年至今)
  • 环境科学研讨会组长(2010)
  • 学生宿舍指导老师(2014-2015)
  • 期刊审稿人(e.g. 土壤圈、系列) 
  • 协调学院候选人面试
  • 环境科学系系主任(2010年至今)
  • 女青年科学项目顾问(2017-至今)


  • 骑自行车,露营,徒步旅行,极限飞盘
  • 传福音/迎新委员会志愿者
  • Mandarin language student (completed 8 semesters of college level Mandarin instruction, 包括在中国的一个学期)
  • 沃瓦托萨自行车和行人咨询委员会成员